At Surf City

Getting in shape is everybody’s goal; however, some manage to be successful, others don’t. If you belong to the second category, no need to worry! Here are a few success stories to keep you motivated. And while you’re with Surf City Diet, it’s OUR job to make sure you achieve your weight loss goals!

Inspiring Success Stories
Dorothy Jenkins
The 40-year-old woman who lost 80 pounds after winning the battle with her food addiction
“I knew I wasn’t eating right when I was diagnosed with diabetes last summer. I tried a lot of methods to try and lose weight and get into shape to control this condition and the many complications associated with it. Nothing seemed to work and I got into severe depression when my doctor told me I also had fatty liver disease. That’s when I found Surf City Diet and decided to join the community. Within three months, I was not only able to win the battle with my food addiction but also managed to shed 80 pounds of extra weight I had put on.”
Silvia Evans
The 45-year-old mother of four who lost 60 pounds within two months after joining Surf City Diet
“I gained a lot of weight after giving birth to my fourth child at the age of 35. At that time, I thought it will get back to normal within a few months but to my horror I just kept on putting on more weight. At 45, people started telling me it’s now too late to change my body. Surf City Diet proved it wrong. Now I can track my meals and get feedback on my exercise routine from the experts. I managed to make major changes to my lifestyle and you can now see how much weight I have lost already.”
Meghan Crawford
The 36-year-old who managed to overcome an eating disorder and get back in shape
“Hi, I’m Meghan and I’m here to tell you how Surf City Diet transformed my life. I have spent nearly all my life chasing after diet plans, one after another, just in the hope of losing some weight. But all those plans seemed to work just temporarily until I gained all the weight back. At Surf City Diet, I learned the biggest truth of my life; I had binge eating disorder! Now after six months of joining SCD, not only this disorder has subsided but I have also managed to lose 90 pounds of weight! Not to mention the support and love I constantly receive that has also helped me with my panic attacks and anxiety.”
Hector Watkins
The 40-year-old man who became a fitness trainer/influencer after joining Sirf City Diet
“I was an alcoholic but never thought my weight is a result of heavy alcohol consumption. I had many lifestyle goals but my weight had always been a hindrance. When I got to know about SCD, I decided to join it right away. Within a few months, I had become a fitness influencer on Instagram and my fan following continues to grow. I can’t thank these guys enough; they have truly transformed my life.
Rachel Ward
The 30-year-old young woman who was able to wear her dream wedding gown
“My wedding date was approaching quickly but my weight was not getting any less. That’s when someone told me about Surf City Diet and I decided to give it a try. You won’t believe because I was able to shed more than 100 pounds within six months and fulfilled my dream of wearing the wedding dress I always fancied. I would recommend SCD to anyone who has set lifestyle goals but somehow is not being able to achieve those goals. Whether it’s tracking your calories, changing your exercise routine, or following a more realistic diet plan, SCD has it all!

If you want to fall in love with fitness and stop looking at your weight every day in the morning, join SCD and leave all that behind!

I had been told that unless you are ready to take a drastic step in your life, you won’t be able to meet your weight loss goals. Surf City Diet proved this right and gave me a platform to take the big leap.

I was just 30 years old but I was already on medication for high blood pressure and liver disease. I could see my future and was getting ready to embrace it when someone referred me to SCD. Now I don’t have time to look back at those depressing days.